
Successful Journey

NUSANED™ Annual Report 2022

“We have great confidence in the Saudi citizens’ capabilities and their ability to build their country.”

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques
King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud
“We have all the capabilities to reach a competitive and sustainable industrial economy, from ambitious young talents, and leading national industrial companies.”
His Royal Highness
Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud
Crown Prince, Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia

Abdulrahman Al-Fageeh


Heeding the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, SABIC’s NusanedTM program continues its ceaseless efforts to nurture a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in line with SABIC’s local content development and economic diversification strategy. From such an ecosystem, spring forth small- and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) that equip entrepreneurs with the latest knowledge and skills for creating differentiated value. These SMEs, in turn, invest in the economy and generate employment opportunities, which consequently contribute to the growth of the national industry through local procurement contracts that reduce the country’s dependence on foreign imports.

The result of all these efforts will also enhance the base of local products and services that SABIC draws on from the national industrial ecosystem, thus bringing the company closer to its Saudi customers.

Since its inception in 2018, NUSANED™ has developed and graduated 195 SMEs, enabling them to become commercially viable businesses. It has also created a grand total of 19,416 job opportunities, and its continuing collaboration with strategic stakeholders will surely create more.
Needless to say, none of NUSANED’s achievements would have been possible without the cooperation of the concerned government entities that dutifully carry out the directives of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Crown Prince and Prime Minister. So, on behalf of SABIC, I express my gratitude to them.

حققت (سابك) أداءً قوياً في عام 2021 م، رغم استمرار تحديات فيروس كورونا (كوفيد- 19). ومع ذلك، ندرك أن بلوغ هذا المستوى المميز لا يعني أبدًا أن نقنع به، بل يقودنا لمواصلة تحسين أدائنا في عام 2022م

Abdullah Al-Arifi
Vice President of Local Content and Business Development Unit of SABIC

Following the launch of the NUSANED™ initiative to localize future industries, we quickly learned from experience but never lost sight of the original goals.

Nusaned was intended to follow SABIC’s lead in achieving the goals of Saudi Vision 2030. It was meant to contribute directly to the creation of industrial capabilities that support the nation’s growing economy. In doing so, it would also enhance the nation’s self-sufficiency, global competitiveness and capital markets.

Today, five years after the launch of the initiative, our initial ideas have been turned into operational institutions and our first applicants have become entrepreneurs capable of establishing a market presence with distinct products and professional services. In short, Nusaned is creating small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and producing entrepreneurs who can create jobs and investment opportunities.

As much as I am pleased with the progress achieved, Nusaned is still looking forward to more. It will continue to invest in people who are eager to prove their skills at analyzing markets and realizing business opportunities. They are the ones who thrive in commercial competition. Nusaned will also continue to support the establishment of national companies—particularly if they localize technology development, sustainable practices, and operational excellence.

Finally, let me express my thanks to Nusaned’s Executive Council for its active and close cooperation. And of course I also am grateful to all the investors and business partners who are affiliated with Nusaned’s entrepreneurs.

With everyone’s continued efforts, Nusaned will keep pursuing its goals for the sustainable growth of the Kingdom.

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About Nusaned

Following the local content initiative and establishment of Local Content Unit in early 2017, SABIC launched its first Integrated Localization Engine: NusanedTM in 2018 to drive forward its localization agenda in support of the ambitious Vision for the local industry development.


Help prepare the saudi local industry for promising sectors of the future as part of the National Industry Stratgy to enable Saudi Vision 2030, serving as SABIC’s integrated engine to achieve the localiztion agenda.


Sponsor competitive industrial ventures, and provide direct-indirect support though strategic partners to build necessary infrastructure for advancing the saudi industrial sector, while acting as a catalyst for kingdom’s priority projects.

Eng. Abdulrahman Al-Fageeh


Eng. Osama Al-Zamil

Vice President Of Ministry Of Industry and Mineral Resources 

Eng. Fahd Al-Naeem

Deputy of sector investments development

Dr. Abdullah Abu Thaneen

Vice Minister
for Labor Sector

Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Samary

CEO of the Local Content & Government Procurement Authority

Mr. Sami Al-Husseini

Governor of Small and Medium Enterprises General Authority

Mr. Ajlan Al-Ajlan

Chairperson of Council of Saudi Chambers

Following the local content initiative and establishment of Local Content Unit in early 2017, SABIC launched its first Integrated Localization Engine: NusanedTM in 2018 to drive forward its localization agenda in support of the ambitious Vision for the local industry development.


Help prepare the saudi local industry for promising sectors of the future as part of the National Industry Stratgy to enable Saudi Vision 2030, serving as SABIC’s integrated engine to achieve the localiztion agenda.


Sponsor competitive industrial ventures, and provide direct-indirect support though strategic partners to build necessary infrastructure for advancing the saudi industrial sector, while acting as a catalyst for kingdom’s priority projects.

Strategic Goals

Motivating the private sector growth through localization of materials and services
Supporting and investing in new manufacturing investment opportunities
Developing local human capital
Enabling entrepreneurs startups
Attracting international investments and transferring new technology to the kingdom



Enable investors to explore investment opportunities and test their viability and attractiveness to receive SABIC support.


SABIC Support Packages (e.g., product offering, tech. support and shared services) to enable investor opportunities.


Develop workforce capabilities through development of technical and leadership capabilities among the local workforce and qualified human resource capital, to enable investor opportunities and support generation of jobs.

Access to Finance

Provide sources of direct and indirect financing for potential investment opportunities through NusanedTM investment, and strategic partners.

Supporting platforms

Nusaned in Numbers


Saudi Job


Career opportunity
for Saudi women


Trainaing Hours


Number of local suppliers Religion has been rehabilitated

GDP Impact for Graduated Opportunities by Sector (Mn SAR)

In 2022, 51 investors graduated, which is the highest number of graduators since the launch of the initiative.

GDP Impact for Graduated Opportunities by Sector (Mn SAR)

In 2022, 51 investors graduated, which is the highest number of graduators since the launch of the initiative.

Success stories

Strategic partners